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Free photographic web tools

A set of Software photographic instruments developed to increase the speed and efficiency of your photographic work.
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Tool's Smart Menu
Tool's Smart Menu
Rapid access menu to the photographic Tools
With this menu, optimezed for the use on smartphone, it is possible to rapidly access to all the photographic tools freely usable and available on this web site.
By adding it to favourite bookmarks of your smartphone's browser You can have a quick access to all the tools.

MacroCorr Tool
MacroCorr Tool
Calculate the correction for the exposition for macro photo.
When we shot at short distance, macro photography, it is necessary to correct the exposition to compensate the dimiuition of light. MacroCorr Tool calculate the light variation due to distance and suggest the correct exposition.

Calibration Tool
Calibration Tool
Rapid test for monitor calibration.
Often we don't realize if the display show the correct color visualization, like for example a display observed in a sunny light.
Calibration Tool provide some simple images screen to rapidly evaluate if the display that we are using is sufficiently calibrated with tones and colors.

vai a Format Tool di Gerardo Giordano
Format Tool
Photographic Format Equivalence
When we use different photographic systems, with different formats, the focal lenght do not corresponds to the same angles of view. Format Tool calculate the field of view of a lens utilized on different photographic formats of film or sensor and the equivalent focal with different formats.

MegaPix Tool
MegaPix Tool
MegaPixel and print dimension.
The print dimension is limited if we want a minimal print resolution. Having the number of a pixel of an image (or of a sensor) and defining the print resolution, MegaPix Tool calculate the dimension of a print of photographic images. The tool have in count also the aspect ratio.

DensiPix Tool
Densipix Tool
Calculate the pixel density of a sensor and diffraction's limits.
Given the dimensions of a digital sensor this tool calculate the phyisical spatial chacteristics of the sensor, like pixel density, minimal distance between pixels (pixel pitch e then the maximal resolution), area, etc. providing information about diffraction's limits.

Recipro Tool
Recipro Tool
Table of conversion for long exposition reciprocity effect.
Using time of exposure very long (above the second) the sensitivity of the film diminuish. The official correction provided are often very short. Recipro Tool provide a series of tables more complete obtained by data interpolation.

Sens Tool
Sens Tool
Measurement of the effective sensitivity of a photogaphic film.
Making the measurement of the effective sensitivity of film require the the use of a frame for every value to evaluate... and so a photo for every exposition. Sens Tool provide a function to make all the necessary exposition by using only one frame.

StepGer Tool
StepGer Tool
Make a graduated scale on photographic film.
Calculate a sequence of multiple exposition useful to generate a graduated scale that can be used to characterize a photographic film by using a single frame (like the procedure for a test print with the chart normally utilized in darkroom).

Stop Tool
Stop Tool
Generate a scale with value in photographic stop.
This tool, with a scope principally didactic and of curiosity, permits to study a sequence in photographic stop. Starting with a certain value e deciding the amplitude of a step, Stop Tool calculate a scale for the exposition of the most common values.

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